Here's a list of some tips that took me many years to learn in Adobe Photoshop. Now, you may say that most of these weren't really that hidden, since they're (probably) in the manual or on the official site's tutorials but I haven't checked either of those places so I can't confirm those allegations. Hope these help you out!
Temporarily use a tool - If you hold (depress) the hotkey while using the tool, it will revert to your last used tool when you release the key. Example: Holding down "B" for brush for 20 seconds while doing some quick brushwork.
Change Interface Brightness: Shift + F1 or F2
Change the Size of thumbnails: in the layer panel, right click on the unused space
Brush size quick change: hold alt + right click in brush mode to pull up a quick menu
Quick Eyedropper: Ctrl + alt + right click
Before you paste, you can select an area and it will paste it centered on your selection
Reverse Layer mask: You can start with a black layer mask by clicking on "New Mask" icon whild holding down "ALT"
Quick Duplicate: Select an area while holding "ALT" and clicking will make (unlimited) copies
Copy a layer (and also its masks, but also its layer styles and also its FX): In the layers panel, click while holding "ALT" to do aforementioned layer thing.
Ctrl + click
on your image will pick the layer you're trying to grab.
Shift + click
will grab multiple layers
Ctrl + click and drag
to highlight multiple layers in your marquee box
Ctrl + click on a layer
will highlight path around your layer
Hold "CTRL" and click on "About Photoshop" to... you'll just have to experience it yourself. Wow.